Our Team

Chris Dickin

BSc (Hons) MRICS

Chris set up Clay Street in September 2006 and has worked in the UK commercial investment market since 1996. Chris started his career in Birmingham later moving to London working at both Chesterton and BNP Paribas Real Estate. Chris brings extensive deal experience in both investment and development funding, working within a ‘client focussed’ team across the commercial sectors.

What keeps me active

Still hanging on to playing weekly football, ski, bike (spin), tennis, anything with a moving ball. I'm not very good at sitting still.

How I find balance

I’ve recently swapped the 2-hour weekly bike ride to explore the local tracks and lanes on a retired 3-day eventer (that’s a horse!). Not so good for cardio but valuable downtime for mind and body.

What makes me happy

I love being out and about in the countryside with my wife, the kids and the dog, keeping things simple, and sharing a pint or two with friends and colleagues.
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